Close board fencing, also known as feather board, is one of our most popular wooden fence type for homes and gardens. Built using posts and arris rails with featheredge boards which are affixed vertically, each partially overlapping. This eye-catching fence type provides an uninterrupted, flawless border at a reasonable price. Known for its strength and versatility, this traditional design is suitable for all domestic and commercial divisions whilst maintaining a certain level of privacy and rebuffs outdoor noise. Sawn with precision, each individual component is assembled on site and can be made to various heights and maximum width of 3 metres centres, resulting in a neater finish. With your requirements and preferences in mind – GRB fencing offers a spirit-based finishing product in a variety of colours. The standard posts for this style of fencing are mortice, however GRB fencing also offers V-notched posts which provide a seamless, uninterrupted finish as the posts cannot be seen from the face of the fence. Similarly, close board fencing also comes in a panel form (see Close board panel fencing).